Contemporary Islamic Financial Transactions

Abdulazeem Abozaid
Dr. Abdulazeem Abozaid
Last Update June 23, 2022
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About This Course


Dr. Abdulazeem Abozaid
Qatar Foundation, Islamic Finance Program


This course by Dr. Abdulazeem introduces the participants to the very basics of Islamic Financial Law, so that they may familiarize themselves with the Shari’ah stands on the most important modern-day financial transactions.

It covers topics such as dealing with credit cards, cryptocurrency, stocks and financial derivatives. It also provides a basic explanation of the concept and rules of Riba (usury, interest) and Gharar (uncertainty, hazard) along with their contemporary applications such as bank loans and gambling. A brief introduction to the primary Islamic banking products is also included in the course.

This course is intended for all those who are interested in knowing and understanding the basic Shari’ah rules pertaining to contemporary financial transactions.

The successful completion of the course should equip the participants with the Shari’ah knowledge that is indispensable for any Muslim who is willing to abide by the Shari’ah rules in his/her investments or financial dealings.


11 Lessons1h 50m

Unit 1 – Introduction

Unit 2 – Bank Loans and their Types: An Islamic Perspective

Unit 3 – Rulings of Dealing with Credit Cards

Unit 4 – Dealing with Cryptocurrencies: Permissible?

Unit 5 – Financial Derivatives: What Are These?

Unit 6 – Investing in Stock Markets

Unit 7 – Islamic Banking Products

Unit 8 – The Concept of Riba (Usury) in Islamic Law

Unit 9 – The Concept of Gambling in Islamic Law

Unit 10 – Freedom of Contracting in Islamic Law

Your Instructors

Dr. Abdulazeem Abozaid

1 Course
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Dr. Abdulazeem holds Ph.D. and Master in Islamic Financial Law. He also holds three BAs in Islamic Law, Arabic language, and English Literature; two higher studies diplomas in Islamic Law and Human Sciences. He has extensive working experience as a Lecturer at Damascus University since 1998, then at International Islamic University Malaysia, specializing in Islamic Financial Law. He has conducted many workshops and training courses at several Islamic banks, financial institutions and universities. He combines practical experience in Islamic banking through working at different Islamic banks as a Shari’ah expert, trainer and Shari’ah head and the academic knowledge in Islamic Financial Law. Dr. Abdulazeem has published in many international journals and newspapers, and he had presented more than 50 papers at international conferences. His expertise in Islamic Finance is demonstrated by his release of more than 70 publications in Islamic Finance. Currently, he is an associate professor at Qatar Foundation, Islamic Finance Program.
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Duration 1.8 hour
11 lectures

Material Includes

  • Benefitting from a Loan (Qard) Contract: An Analysis of Juristic Opinions - Abdulazeem Abozaid
  • Is Any Benefit from a Loan Prohibited in Islam? - Abdulazeem Abozaid
  • Does Shariah Recognize Cryptocurrencies as Valid Currencies? - Abdulazeem Abozaid
  • Shari’ah Issues in Short Selling and its Potential Implementation in Qatar Stock Exchange - Abdulazeem Abozaid
  • Contemporary Islamic Financing Modes between Contracts Technicalities and Shariah Objectives - Abdulazeem Abozaid