
Dr. Ahmed Abdel Meguid
Last Update June 23, 2022
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About This Course


Dr. Ahmed Abdel Meguid
Department of Religion, Syracuse University


Epistemology is essentially a theory and it fundamentally deals with:

  1. What is true knowledge? (Concerns identity of knowledge);
  2. What can we know? (Concerns various forms of knowledge and what qualifies to be described as true knowledge);
  3. How can we attain true knowledge? (Sources of knowledge).

Dr. Ahmed Abdel Meguid clearly explains the Agrippan Trilemma, explaining the justification of knowledge and true beliefs when considering Foundationalism vs. Coherentism.

This course will also go over the agreement on two main sources of knowledge:

  1. Reason –  intellection.
  2. Sensation – intuition “sense data”.

Finally, the course focuses on how imagination is regarded as a source of construction of knowledge. Imagination can be tricky as it can be considered as having a subordinate role in helping relate to senses. However, one of the greatest achievements ever was the mind’s ability to expand the role of the imagination. Many took imagination as an epistemic source, others took it as an approximation of reason, and some others have given it an important role in synthesizing ideas and constructing our knowledge of the physical reality around us – famously credited to Immanuel Kant.


11 Lessons2h 53m

Unit 1 – What Is Epistemology?

Unit 2 – Problems of Epistemology: The Beginning with Ancient Philosophy

Unit 3 – Problems of Epistemology: Developments in Late Antiquity and Pre-Scholastic Christian Philosophy

Unit 4 – Problems of Epistemology: Early Modern Philosophy and Representational Thinking

Unit 5 – Problems of Epistemology: Kantian Philosophy and the Synthesis of the Modern/Protestant Turn in Philosophy

Unit 6 – Problems of Epistemology: Post-Kantian Analytic Philosophy

Unit 7 – The Beginnings: Early Kalām (Philosophical Theology) and the Problems of Epistemology

Unit 8 – Critical Encounters with the Ancient Tradition: al-Kindī and al-Fārābī and the Epistemic Critique of Classical Ontology

Unit 9 – From Philosophical Theology to Philosophy: Avicennian Modal Metaphysics and Epistemology

Unit 10 – Averroes and al-Ghazālī. Modal Epistemology and the Critique of the Neo-Platonic Failures of Avicenna (Comign Soon)

Unit 11 – Post-Classical Islamic Modal Epistemology: Glimpses and Themes (Comign Soon)

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Dr. Ahmed Abdel Meguid

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Dr. Ahmed Abdel Meguid has been an Assistant Professor of Religion at Syracuse University since 2011. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Philosophy at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, in the same year. His areas of specialization include the history of philosophy and philosophy of religion with a special focus on late 18th, 19th and early 20th-century German philosophy, as well as Islamic philosophy, theology, and mysticism. He has significantly contributed to the Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought and has also contributed to other books and articles on Islamic philosophy and political realism. He has received multiple awards and honours including the Fund for Innovative Teaching Award from Emory University in 2011.
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