Unit 1 – The Purpose and Value of Marriage and Family in Islam

Unit 2 – How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage and Family Life? (Part 1)

Unit 3 – How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage and Family Life? (Part 2)

Unit 4 – When Should You Seek Marriage?

Unit 5 – What Should You Be Looking for?

Unit 6 – Found Your Partner, What Should You Do Next?

Unit 7 – Who Makes the Final Decision of Marriage?

Unit 8 – Marriage Arrangements

Unit 9 – Religious vs. Civil Marriage

Unit 10 – What Makes a Successful Marriage?

Unit 11 – The Rights of the Wife & Husband

Unit 12 – Love vs. Mawaddah and Rahmah

Unit 13 – The Essential Pillars of Muslim Family

Unit 14 – What Does al-Qiwamah Mean?

Unit 15 – Myths and Misconceptions about Marriage

Unit 16 – Conflict Management Within the Family

Unit 17 – Marriage Counselling

Unit 18 – Divorce

Unit 19 – Interfaith Marriages

Unit 20 – FAQs about Marriage in Islam (coming soon)

Marriage Arrangements