Unit 1 – Infidels, Kafirs, Polytheist and People of the Book

Unit 2 – Holy War vs. Jihad

Unit 3 – The Qur’an’s Verses of Peace and Tolerance

Unit 4 – Does the Qur’an License the Killing of Non-Muslims?

Unit 5 – Tolerance with Enemies in the Qur’an

Unit 6 – Relationships with Other Nations and Neighbours

Unit 7 – Jizyah in Islam

Unit 8 – Friendship of Non-Muslims

Unit 9 – What Does Prevail Mean in the Qur’an?

Unit 10 – Reasons for Revelation

Unit 11 – The Phenomenon of Supersedence or Abrogation (al-Naskh)

Unit 12 – The Truthful and the Consistent in the Qur’an (al-Muh-kam wal Mutashabih)

Unit 13 – The General and the Qualifier in the Qur’an (al-`Aam wal Khaas)

Unit 14 – Understanding the Hadith, “I Was Ordered to Fight the People Until They Testify…”

Unit 15 – The Underlying Values of the Qur’an

Unit 16 – Is Renouncing Islam Apostasy?

Unit 17 – Hadith and Apostasy

Unit 18 – Conclusion about Apostasy

The Qur’an’s Verses of Peace and Tolerance