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maqasid thinking

Objectives-oriented (Maqasidi) Thinking

In Islam, according to Dr. Jasser Auda, the heart can be …

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dove peace

Is Islam a Religion of Violence?

Dr. Jamal Badawi discusses the issue of whether there is any …

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Nature harmony. Pyramid of stones symbol of calm

Women and the Mosque

By design, this course by Dr. Jasser Auda delivers deep insight …

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The History of Revivalists in Islam

Sh. Aboughoda will take you through this journey to learn about …

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Nature harmony. Pyramid of stones symbol of calm

Misconceptions about the Prophet’s Marriages & Polygamy

According to Dr. Jamal Badawi, there are prevalent and widely-circulated misconceptions …

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women inislam

Misconceptions about Women in Islam

Dr. Jamal Badawi highlights the fact that Islam stresses the dignity …

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Misconceptions about the Prophet’s Marriages

This course, by Dr. Jamal Badawi, addresses some of the misconceptions …

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Social and Political Philosophy

Dr. Abdel Meguid tackles social and political philosophy and answers the …

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good manners

Islamic Manners

Sh. Aboughoda stresses that interacting with others with good manners means …

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How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage?

This course, by Dr. Abdalla Idris Ali, delves into the different …

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Nature harmony. Pyramid of stones symbol of calm

A Journey to God – Ibn Ata’s Words of Wisdom

With Dr. Jasser Auda, we embark on a spiritual journey to …

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Dr. Ahmed Abdel Meguid 

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dr. Ahmed Abdel Meguid has been an Assistant Professor of Religion …

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