About Me

Full Name

Dr. Ali Al-Halawani

Job Title

Assistant Professor, Qur’anic Studies & Computational Linguistics


Dr. Ali is a lifelong student of the world-renowned Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. In his youth, he completed the intermediate/high school curriculum of Al-Azhar. Then moved on to complete his Bachelor’s degree and graduate studies there as well. He obtained a Master’s degree in linguistics and the translation of Islamic and shari’ah-based terms. He completed a PhD in Computational Linguistics and Translation of the Meanings of the Quran (Qur’anic Studies).

He was a Researcher and Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Al-Alsun (languages), Minia University, Egypt; Assistant Professor, Misr University for Sciences & Technology (MUST), Egypt; Assistant Professor, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM); Dean of Student Affairs, Al-Madinah International University (Mediu), Malaysia.

Dr. Al-Halawani was Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Da`wah Committee (EDC) in Kuwait; he was the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, and Managing Editor of the Shari`ah and Fatwa Department, IslamOnline.net for 10 consecutive years.

He is a visiting scholar with the Middle East Studies Program (MESP), sponsored by the Council of Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), Washington, D.C., United States.

He is a visiting scholar with the Ottawa School of Theology & Spirituality (OSTS), Ottawa, ON, Canada.

He has been teaching with the Siraj Institute Ottawa, ON, Canada (Siraj Diploma in Islamic Studies) since January 2019.

Dr. Al-Halawani is a member of both the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL), as well as the International League of Islamic Literature Malaysia (ILILM).

Over the past 27 years, he has been teaching, researching and translating Islamic texts and books from Arabic and English.

8 Enrolled Courses
5 Active Courses
3 Completed Courses
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2 Total Courses
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